Assistive Technologies And Silver Science

The ASsistive TechnOlogies and Silver Science Group within the Lab of Medical Physics has received major research and development focus in the field of Ambient Assisted Living and Biomedical Engineering or what is now called Active and Healthy Aging as well as technologies for Assisted Living for special target groups. It participates in the European Initiative on Active and Healthy aging ( as well as its Greek localised network activities (

The group focuses on exploring shifting paradigms in elderly healthcare as well as care for developmental disorders and the different innovations and breakthroughs brought about by information communication technologies (ICT), mobile technologies and web technologies in general. The group consists of a diverse scientific pool ranging from collaborating healthcare experts such as medical doctors, neurologists/geriatricians/pediatricians, clinical neuropsychologists and academics all the way to technology experts such as electronics and software engineers, ICT specialists, programmers, mathematicians and physicists. Research in the ASOSS-RG follows several axes and expertise:

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