Development of a Training Program for Improving Quality of Life of Persons with Alzheimer and Others Dementias Through Innovative Creative Arts Therapies Supported by Digital Tools

01/11/19 to 31/10/21

AD-ARTS is launched with the main objective of increasing the competences (attitudes, knowledge, skills) of PwAD (Mild and Moderate), Relatives and Professionals on the implementation of Creative Arts Therapies (CATs), supported by Digital Tools (DTs) for improving Quality of Life.
Digital CATs are a relative newcomer to CATs methods and materials that can be defined as “all forms of technology-based media that are used by arts therapists to assist clients in creating art as part of the process of therapy”.

Specific objectives:
• To aware/motivate this group about the importance of CATs for QoL
• To transfer knowledge, guidelines and procedures on how to implement CATs for producing proper behavioral and emotional outcomes.
• To transfer knowledge, guidelines and procedures on how to use DTs for supporting the implementation of CATs.
• To improve socialization of PwAD, including the participation of Relatives in the implementation of CATs supported by DTs with PwAD out of the care centers.

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