Our IMCL Presence

The ΄΄2015 International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL)΄΄ was successfully completed on Saturday , 21/11/2015.

The Medical Physics Laboratory of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki participated in the IMCL 2015, with the organisation of a Special Session called ΄΄Mobile Health Care and Training (MHCT)΄΄, chaired by Prof. Panagiotis Bamidis, where members of the Lab presented their research.

On Thursday 19/11, Dimitris Spachos made a presentation on  ΄΄The Future of Mobile Health ADHD Applications΄΄.  Dr Evdokimos Konstantinidis presented the paper ΄΄Transferring Full Body Exergames from Desktop Applications to Mobile Devices: the Role of the Internet of Things΄΄. Finally, Antonis  Billis made a presentation on  the paper ΄΄Towards a Quantified-Self web application for seniors' self-tracking΄΄. The session was attended by all undergraduate medical students of the elective course on Medical Education.

During the Conference dinner later that day, the team was awarded a certificate on "Outstanding Performance" for the Special Session.

On Friday 20/11, Prof. Bamidis delivered a keynote on “Shifting Paradigms in Medical/Health Education Informatics: From Digitisation and Standarisation to Open/Scenario based Learning and Analytics”.