One of the most important parts of patient satisfaction in the health sector, based on general knowledge, is accessibility. Accessibility consists of a set of factors that describe the effort needed from a patient as well as the procedures a patient needs to complete, in order to receive health services from an organization. Some of the most important aforementioned factors are: waiting times, ease of appointment scheduling and appointment confirmation, ease of access to a clinic, etc.

ADΗD is the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder and is mainly characterized by difficulties in paying attention. Up to this day, the diagnosis, the interventions and the evaluation of the treatment effectiveness are based on systematic record of the symptoms done by experts. The systematic reports, even though they add immense value to the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD, are often prone to subjectivity. The source of subjectivity is the fact that these reports are mainly based on qualitative attributes, for instance the answers a child or his parents gives to an expert.

The continuous increase in life expectancy has led to a higher occurrence of age-related chronic diseases. The Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) is a disease with a strong socio-economic impact as it accounts for 5% of hospital admissions and 10% of the hospitalized population while absorbing the 2% of the national health budget. The CHF patients need to be constantly supervised by medical staff for the conformation of their care plan. Meanwhile, self-care entails major non-compliance rates since patients do not follow the instructions of their physician.

“Ευφυές σύστημα τμημάτων επειγόντων περιστατικών και κλινικών νοσοκομείων για την κατά προτεραιότητα διαλογή και παρακολούθηση ιατρικών συμβάντων”

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