Katya Rubia presented an interesting talk. The talk included a short review of the neuropsychological deficits of ADHD and several meta-analyses results describing the main findings of neuroimaging studies on ADHD. She also presented an explanatory model for the neuronal correlates of ADHD deficits which has been derived from the meta-analyses results. Dr. Rubia also linked the brain differences with behavioral findings and noted the need for a detailed study of the specificity of the dysfunctions and the disentangling of the corresponding neuronal correlates. She also referred to the advantage of EEG Neurofeedback and especially fMRI neurofeedback for ADHD therapy presenting new data. The questions focused on fMRI and EEG neurofeedback as well as methodological details regarding the presented studies. 

Thursday, October 6, 2016 - 17:30