Prof. Robert Thibault opens the symposium "BOLD Neurofeedback in psychiatry" asking: Should fMRI neurofeeback be considered brain self-regulation or a biobehavioural intervention?

On a note on placebo effects of neurofeedback; they can alter physiology and psychology, alter brain activity and drive very specific changes that persist over time and also propel changes of large magnitudes in the brain. It even seems to have an effect on animals. Placebo effects depend on treatment intensity, belief of price or cutting-edge technology but on the condition being treated and on age as well. 
How much of the effect of neurofeedback comes from actual intervention (signals) and how much from those placebo effects?
Are fMRI-neurofeedback effects sustainable? Are they trasnferable? Are they replicable? Are the interventions even practical?

It is important to remember that the actual goal is clinical improvement, wether by the road of genuine NF through BOLD regulation or through the behavioural path.

Robert asked so much! And gave both his experience and his piece of mind on those issues. Will the symposium provide with some concrete answers? More to come!



Friday, October 7, 2016 - 11:30